How we do business.
All of our rides are sold with a flight certificate. That certificate is the ticket. The purchase of the certificate is how the initial reservation is confirmed. Once purchased, it is good for one full year, redeemable for the flight only, not cash. It comes complete with a passenger information letter that tells you everything you need to know, what to expect, what to wear, how to schedule and reschedule, flight times, safety considerations, calling procedures and maps to direct you to our location in West Houston.
We have 3 flight packages, 2 private flights, Basic Flight and Deluxe Flight. (1 or 2 passengers and a pilot only) and one Group Flight (3-5 passengers and pilot).
The first private flight is the Basic Flight that lasts 30-45 minutes and following the flight we will do the traditional champagne celebration with a toast (or a nonalcoholic beverage if you choose).
The second private flight is our Deluxe Flight lasting 1 to 1 1/2 hours, followed by a traditional champagne celebration, done picnic style in balloon motif, basket, table cloth, glasses, a full French brunch with the champagne (or a nonalcoholic beverage if you choose), plus some other nice giveaways.
Our third flight is our Group Flight done in a "Big Balloon" in which we fly 3 to 5 passengers (an average of 4). The flight lasts 45 minutes to an hour and following the flight we will do the traditional champagne celebration with a toast (or a nonalcoholic beverage if you choose).
Returning Home
After the balloon is launched, the "recovery crew" follows in a chase vehicle. Using maps of the area and radios as well as visual contact, they try to be close by when the balloon lands. The crew helps the pilot deflate and disassemble the balloon and return the passengers and equipment back home.
Call us a at (281) 463-0080